
Call for Submissions | March 2025

Theme: Friendships

Deadline: March 7, 2025

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” — Proverbs 17:17

In this issue, we invite you to explore the theme of Friendships. The excitement of a new friendship or the fading embers of an old one. The grief of losing a friend, or the ache of a friendship breakup. The quiet strength of an unspoken bond. Friends that became lovers.

We seek submissions that capture the complexities of friendships. Its joys, tensions, transformations, and unexpected turns. What does friendship mean to you? How does it shape us, challenge us, or change us?

Think beyond the obvious. Surprise us. Give us depth. Tell the stories only you can tell, through fiction and nonfiction to poetry, photography, and visual art.

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Submission Email: Please send your submission to

    • Use the subject line format: Genre: Last name (e.g., Fiction: Smith).

    • Attach your work as a single document or file in the appropriate format (details below).

  2. Genres and Requirements:

    • Fiction and Nonfiction: Minimum 1,500 and maximum 2,000 words. Double-spaced.

    • Poetry: One poem.

    • Photography and Visual Art: Maximum of 3 images in JPEG or PNG format. Please provide a short description (at least 200 words) explaining the concept of your work and how it relates to the theme.

  3. Originality:

    • Prose and Poetry: We do not accept previously published works (including works shared on personal blogs). Works posted on social media platforms are allowed.

    • Photography and Visual Art: We may consider work that has been previously exhibited or posted, as long as you still hold all the rights.

  4. Rights and Publication:

    • Saphar Collective requests the right to be the first to publish all submitted works. After they are published, the rights go back to you. If the work is published again, please mention Saphar Collective as the original publisher.

  5. Simultaneous Submissions:

    • You can submit to multiple places at once. If your work is accepted elsewhere, please let us know right away so we can remove it from consideration.

We aim to respond to submissions within two weeks after the submission deadline. If you do not hear back by then, please feel free to send a follow up to

We can’t wait to receive your work!